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the intelligentsia

См. также в других словарях:

  • (the) intelligentsia — the intelligentsia UK [ɪnˌtelɪˈdʒentsiə] US noun the people in a society who are the best educated and the most interested in art, science, literature etc at an advanced level Thesaurus: educated people and expertssynonym degrees and other… …   Useful english dictionary

  • the Intelligentsia — the part of a population that has a university education …   English contemporary dictionary

  • the intelligentsia — UK [ɪnˌtelɪˈdʒentsɪə] / US noun the people in a society who are the best educated and the most interested in art, science, literature etc at an advanced level …   English dictionary

  • Intelligentsia — Intelligentsia, (du polonais inteligencja, en russe : интеллигенция), est une classe sociale engagée dans un travail de création et de dissémination de la culture, accompagnée par les artistes et les enseignants. Au XXIe siècle, le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Pianist (memoir) — The Pianist is a memoir written by the Polish musician of Jewish origins Władysław Szpilman. He tells how he survived the German deportations of Jews to extermination camps, the 1943 destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising… …   Wikipedia

  • The Judge and the General — (2008) is a feature length documentary film about Juan Guzmán s attempts to bring Augusto Pinochet to justice for human rights crimes.Many Chileans refer to “the other 9/11” the Sept. 11, 1973 coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet, against the… …   Wikipedia

  • The New York Review of Books — (abrégé en NYREV ou NYRB) est un magazine bimensuel new yorkais fondé en 1963. Il traite de questions littéraires, culturelles, et plus généralement de grandes questions d actualité. Il se base sur une importante revue de presse de la production… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Intelligentsia — For the coffee shop company, often called Intelligentsia, for short, see Intelligentsia Coffee Tea. The intelligentsia (from Russian: [http://www.m w.com/dictionary/intelligentsia intelligentsia] on Merriam Webster Online]… …   Wikipedia

  • intelligentsia — Nowadays this term is loosely applied to any educated stratum of society normally including intellectuals and managers which has an interest in ideas. Historically, the use of the term has been more restricted, and although its origins are… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Intelligentsia — Das Wort Intelligenzija (russisch интеллигенция) steht für die gesellschaftliche Kategorie der Intelligenzler Berufsgruppen, vornehmlich in Russland bzw. der UdSSR; abhängig von genaueren Begriffsabgrenzungen ergeben sich wesentliche Unterschiede …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • intelligentsia — [[t]ɪnte̱lɪʤe̱ntsiə[/t]] N SING COLL: usu the N The intelligentsia in a country or community are the most educated people there, especially those interested in the arts, philosophy, and politics. I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to… …   English dictionary

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